
Showing posts from December, 2020


WHAT IS SELF LOVE? WHY IS IT IMPORTANT?   SELF LOVE IS ACCEPTING THE WAY YOU ARE AND BEING CONFIDENT WITH IT. TREATING YOURSELF WITH KINDNESS AND RESPECT IS VERY IMPORTANT. PASSING THAT POSITIVE ENERGY TO YOUR SURROUNDING IS ALSO NECESSARY, BECAUSE THE UNCONDITIONAL SUPPORT, LOVE AND CARE YOU GIVE YOURSELF WILL EVENTUALLY LEAD TO A HAPPY, HEALTHY, AND PEACEFUL LIFE. HERE I BRING YOU 7 EASY WAYS TO PRACTICE SELF LOVE: 1. LET GO OF TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS To start loving yourself you have to let go of all your toxic relationships. Don't be afraid to leave toxic people in your life. You don't have to make room for people who cause you pain or make you feel small or miserable.  If a person disregards your feelings, ignores your boundaries, and "continues" to treat you in a noxious way, they need to go. These people will hold you back and not let you grow and shine. SO, GET RID OF THEM. 2. READ A GOOD BOOK Now that you are rid of toxic people, you have to develop self-love by


 HOW TO STOP PROCRASTINATING. PROCRASTINATING IS ONE OF THE EASIEST YET DEADLIEST THINGS TO DO. OH C'MON ADMIT IT WE ALL PROCRASTINATE IN OUR LIVES...MAYBE BECAUSE WE ARE LAZY OR JUST TIRED. HERE I BRING YOU 5 WAYS BY WHICH YOU CAN MINIMIZE PROCRASTINATING: 1. PLAN YOUR TASKS Planning your tasks and to-do things is really important. If you have a list of your pending works it just makes your life way easier. Just jot down all your to-do works on a paper and then you can plan your schedule accordingly. Not having a list will do no good other than stressing you up which you don't want. For example, if you are a student who is having a lot of backlog of your work, list down the chapters and assignments you have to complete and follow the next point... 2. CREATE A TIMETABLE AND COMMIT TO IT Now once you know what all you have to do, make a timetable or a schedule of your day to help things work out. Now this could be a new timetable for every day which you can make a day prior or a